Salone del Mobile 2018

A large white shelf unit full of colourful, abstract totem models


MINI LIVING invites you to design your personal habitat.

The future no longer lies in the hands of experts alone. When it comes to housing and everyday life, inhabitants are increasingly playing a key role. Appreciating and celebrating this fact, MINI LIVING encourages individuals to develop their own environments in its FACTORY OF IDEAS at Salone del Mobile 2018.

Airy, opentotem with plants, tables, benches and storage area
Yellow totem with loft bed and wardrobe space underneath

As a demand of modern urban life, buildings are more than a lone working task of architects, but rather a creative teamwork approach to develop new habitats. A growing number of people occupy a limited amount of space, living mobile lifestyles that require flexible forms of cohabitation depending on their individual needs and choices.

MINI LIVING explores various approaches to the future of housing, living and working. It combines different and equally inventive ideas in experimental concepts focused entirely on the inhabitants of the space. The discussion that this concept is a part of is not primarily defined by the search for a new style of architecture, but by intensive research into the ways existing space can be repurposed to suit new ways of living.

MINI LIVING has developed its main installation around the TOTEMS in cooperation with Studiomama at this year’s Salone del Mobile. These pieces of personalised built-in furniture are integrated into semi-transparent coloured SHELLS, softly defining the boundaries between private and public spaces. Dynamic TOTEM and SHELL combinations form new model neighbourhoods focused, not on permanence, but on perpetual change.

Little, pink sewing room with a bicycle seat stool in the totem
Minimalist study totem with books, stools and reading light

Separated from the main installation visistors are invited into the FACTORY OF IDEAS to think about the design of their own TOTEMS, their functions, and their arrangement in a living space. The tiered concept sees TOTEM, SHELL and neighbourhood combined to increase the quality of life of a community, and it allows visitors to implement and discuss their own design ideas at different levels. In this arena for the playful interaction of form and function, the FACTORY OF IDEAS produces truly tangible models of urban living. These are then presented as a visualisation of how a highly individualised micro-neighbourhood can evolve.

MINI's FACTORY OF IDEAS featuring long tables, stools, building blocks and other design materials

MINI LIVING considers the participants in the FACTORY OF IDEAS to be true spacemakers. Here, individuals are empowered with direct involvement in the process of designing their habitat, and become co-creators of their own environment. The very concept itself sprouts from the desires of individuals and blossoms with community ideas. Visitors become active participants who, in exchange for their knowledge and input, expand their skills and create new solutions in collaboration with others.